MGUC Congregational Council
Maple Grove United Church is a not-for-profit entity that is largely led and staffed by volunteers. The small number of paid positions (currently 2 full time and 5 part time) allows us to ensure that 100% of all special purpose funds raised go to the charitable work supported by the congregation. The day-to-day administration of the church is performed by the Congregational Council. The Congregational Council is appointed annually by the congregation. It is organized as depicted below. While the depiction seems complex, the functional organization is fairly simple and has served the congregation well over the years while maintaining congregational participation. The Council itself is the Leadership Team and the
Committee chairs. A brief description of the roles follows.
Leadership Team
The Leadership Team is comprised of the Council Chair, Council Vice Chair, Council Past Chair, Chair of Trustees, Treasurer, Ministry and Personnel Chair, Council Secretary and the Lead Minister. It is responsible for the implementation of the congregational priorities by setting strategic programs for the entire Maple Grove United Church organization (staff, Council and congregation). This includes the coordination of these programs across the various committees and other stakeholders as well as the internal and external communications programs of MGUC. The Leadership Team has overall responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the United Church of Canada and UCC Regional Covenants.
The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is comprised of the Congregational Trustees. Per the United Church of Canada Manual, all called or appointed ordained, diaconal or lay ministers are automatically Congregational Trustees. In our case, this is currently our Lead Minister. The congregation appoints other Congregational Trustees as required. The role of the Trustees is defined in the UCC Manual. Essentially,
they are the registered titleholder for all congregational property as per the UCC Manual. They are responsible for protecting the interests of national church as it relates to the property. In the event the congregation ceases to exist, the congregational property reverts to the national church and the Board of Trustees are responsible for its disposition under the direction of the United Church of Canada. At
Maple Grove, the Chair of Trustees is a full member of the Council Leadership Team.
The Finance Committee, headed by the Treasurer is responsible for the finances of the church. They ensure that the financial records are properly maintained, that tax returns are properly filed and that we comply with the requirements placed on not-for-profit organizations. They oversee the preparation of the church budget and report on actual expenditures. Treasury functions such as cash management and management of debts and investments are also the responsibility of the Finance committee. Finally, they advise the Leadership Team, council chairs and the congregation on the state of the church finances.
Ministry and Personnel (M&P)
The Ministry and Personnel Committee, headed by the Ministry and Personnel Chair, is responsible for the Human Resources functions for the Church’s paid staff. This includes hiring (see exception below), performance management, job descriptions and salary administration. The M&P Committee also serves as a buffer between the paid staff and the congregation and has the responsibility for resolving issues that may arise between the various parties. It should be noted that the discernment and hiring of ordained ministry staff is outside the scope of M&P. This hiring is governed by the search and discernment rules defined by the United Church and a dedicated Search Committee is appointed by the congregation when this work is required.
Worship and Music
The Worship and Music Committee, headed by the Worship and Music Chair, provides support for the Sunday and other Worship Services as well as an interface between the ministry and music staff and the congregation for feedback and suggestions on how to improve worship. Support for the worship services includes arranging readers, communion servers, as well as ushers and greeters. W&;M is also responsible for the Live Stream production and broadcast including the sound production for the on-site and broadcast service. Licensing compliance of the music used in the service and the broadcast is managed by W&M. The Maple Grove choirs (Chancel and Bell ) choirs are the responsibility of W&M. Finally, W&M works with the ministry and music staff to plan special worship services and to ensure coverage when the minister is not available.
Pastoral Care (Caring Team)
The Pastoral Care Committee, headed by the Pastoral Care Chair, is responsible for working with the Ministry staff to provide support for members with temporary needs. The team is often referred to as the “caring team” at Maple Grove. Much of their work is confidential to respect the privacy needs of individuals. It includes such things as the provision of meals when required, visits to members hospitalized or otherwise shut in and advising the ministry staff of those in need of spiritual support.
The Stewardship Committee, headed by the Stewardship Chair, is responsible for all aspects of the church’s stewardship. Through our ongoing Time, Talent and Treasures campaign, this includes the management of the annual pledge campaign for financial support as well as the identification of congregational skills and congregational members willing to volunteer time. The Stewardship committee is also involved with other major fundraising and volunteer efforts at Maple Grove
The Property Committee, headed by the Property Chair, is responsible for the maintenance and upgrading of the church physical property. At Maple Grove, the physical property includes the manse. The Property Committee is divided into two groups. The outside property team maintains the grounds. The inside or building property team maintains the church buildings. Some of the projects range from major renovations, management of the roof replacement project, vendor selection and management, painting, window repairs, electrical repairs and heating and air conditioning repairs. This team is also responsible for the fire plan, the fire alarms, the physical security plan and the physical security systems. Finally, this is the group that has spearheaded our “Greening Sacred Spaces” efforts with a significant reduction in our carbon footprint. Their work needs to be managed and /or performed on a building that is busy 7 days per week.
The Membership Committee, headed by the Membership Chair, is responsible for programs to attract and welcome new members to Maple Grove. This includes recognizing new members at the Sunday services, presentation of “mixers” to introduce them to other members and new members receptions. It is also responsible for maintenance of the church rolls.
Long Term Rentals
The Long Term Rentals Chair is responsible for the negotiation of leases with our long term tenants and managing our relationship with them. These tenants utilize the facilities when they would otherwise be idle and are key to the financial stability of Maple Grove. The Long Term Rentals Chair receives support from other members of the Leadership Team as required.