Prayer Shawl Knitters, Crocheters, & Quilters


The Prayer Shawl knitters, crocheters and quilters have been on a hiatus for over two years but it is time to replenish our supply of shawls, lap rugs, blankets, small quilts, and Baptismal stoles. We will gather in the Friendship Room Thursday, March 24th at 10 am.

As a reminder to the congregation, these items are freely available for anyone who is struggling through, or facing, a difficult time – or celebrating a special event in one’s life! They represent a caring prayer and a warm hug from Maple Grove.

If you are aware of that someone in need, please let Rev. Jessica, Meaghan, Pam or a member of the Caring Team know.

Our records have recently been updated and since this Ministry was formed approximately nine years ago, over 820 items have been distributed.

The group will gather in the Friendship Room Thursday, March 24th at 10 am. Feel welcome to join us, even for tea and conversation,

Mary Jane Morton and Judy Lilly