MGUC has a long history of assisting with the meals at Kerr Street Mission. During COVID the traditional dine-in meal was replaced by a take-away program which MGUC has sponsored over the last 2 years. On March 3, 2022 MGUC sponsored and volunteers prepared another take-out dinner for 50 people. The menu consisted of M&M meat lasagna or cheese cannelloni, mixed green salad with dressing, apple, orange, pastry, bun and butter all packaged in brown bags for distribution.
Happily, the dining room is now open at KSM and meals are now offered inside. The social aspect of the meals program is very important so we are really pleased that restrictions have been lifted. The experience of volunteering at KSM is really uplifting. The coordination and execution of the multitude of programs offered is really impressive.
MGUC next sponsorship date is July 6th and we will be cooking and serving clients in the KSM dining room. If you are interested in helping out please contact either Carol Heimbach at [email protected] or Hugh Wanless at [email protected].