Introducing: Two Ways to Win
Maple Grove United Church has established a new fundraiser. It costs you nothing and helps save the environment.
Tru Earth is a Canadian company that manufactures and sells laundry strips. One little strip does a load of washing in any kind of machine, saving millions of plastic jugs from landfill, and untold dollars in transportation costs. Each time you place an order with Tru Earth using the link provided, 20% of the sale price comes to MGUC. It is that simple. The strips come in cardboard boxes, and are easy to carry and store. When you place an order, the strips are mailed to you. It is REALLY that simple. The laundry strips are environment-friendly as well.
Place your order today to help MGUC and the environment! Here is your link: :https://www.tru.earth/fundraising-store?org=Maple%20Grove%20United%20Church&sscid=41k6_dpujk&