Outreach – The ‘Fresh Start’ Project


This is a description of a group which has been very helpful to MGUC when settling our more recent refugees. They also provide this service to families recommended to them from various social services including Kerr Street Ministries, Wesley urban ministries and most shelters in the Halton region. Please consider joining this Facebook group and sharing it with your community as it is a great way to support people in need.

Below is their own description of how they operate as found on Facebook. They have chosen Facebook as the platform to share the client needs and organize donations so there is no duplication.  We have used this organization in the past for our refugee families and will continue to do so in the future.

About the Project –

Welcome to The Fresh Start Project!
Our purpose is to help individuals and families have an easier transition from a shelter to a home by helping fill the cupboards, shelves and drawers with items to make it feel more like their place.

How we do it:
Approximately every 6 weeks, through a Community Service team, we identify an individual or family in the process of moving from a shelter situation to their own home. With few resources available, this would be a tough situation for anyone. For each client of The Fresh Start project, we create a customized list of 100-150 items that would help give them the foundation to make their day to day living, and the first couple months in their new home easier, helping the financial burden and stress levels.

This list of items is sent to our database of volunteers. Our goal is within 5 days of posting the Client wish list, we have collected all items and are delivering them to their home.

How to get involved
There are five ways to get involved in The Fresh Start Project. They include:

  • Individual item donations
  • Item pick up and packing
  • Administrative and office support
  • Monthly Client drop off
  • Financial Donations and Corporate sponsorship

To find this organization click the link below.

Fresh Start Project on Facebook

Your Outreach Team