Maple Grove United Church is proud to sponsor the 4th Trafalgar Scout Troup.
There are different scout groups that cater to the different ages of boys and girls that meet at the church through the week.
- Monday: Rangers at 7:00pm – ages 15-17
- Tuesday: Algonquin Cub Pack at 7:00 pm – ages 8-10
- Thursday: Mohawk Cub Pack at 7:00 pm – ages 8-10
*Monthly Monday: Venturers at 7:00 pm – ages 15-17
*meet first Monday of the month.
Meetings for this year usually end between the middle of May and the last week of May depending on the section, with summer trips happening in June, July and August depending on the section level.
Registration for next year is anticipated to start on May 1st. Early renewal and early registration have been an increasing trend the past two years, for example more than 25 of the current 34 cubs signed up last spring.
Registration is completed online at or