December 3 – Advent begins!
We light the candle of hope and celebrate communion.
December 10 – Advent 2
We light the candle of peace.
December 17 – Advent 3
We light the candle of joy and hear Mary’s song of justice and hope.
December 19 – Community Carol Sing-a-Long 7pm
Join the United, Anglican and Presbyterian churches of Oakville at Westwood Park (173 Kerr Street) for some Christmas cheer! Add your voice to our celebration!
December 21 – Longest Night 7pm
We gather for a contemplative service of readings, songs and candles. A pause for those grieving or just needing some quiet space in the December rush.
December 24 – Advent 4 10:30 am
We light the candle of love at our Lessons and Carols service.
December 24 – Christmas Eve
6:30pm – We enter the Christmas Story with songs and costumes in our Instant Pageant, the family friendliest Christmas Eve service! Come dressed as an animal, angel, shepherd or wise person. Or use our costume props! All ages needed to bring the story to life!
9 pm – Our traditional Christmas eve worship service with carols, sermon, communion and candlelight.