On Tuesday, November 21st, Maple Grove held a very successful Community Round Table, hosting 24 people from 19 different Faith, School and Service Organizations. Including members of Maple Grove, a total of 37 people participated in this event. Everyone found the event a wonderful opportunity to share concerns/ideas about what is happening in our community today and in the future. It also allowed different groups to connect on ideas and possible collaborations with each other and with Maple Grove. Jill Strapp, the facilitator from the EDGE consulting group, will compile the ideas generated from the roundtable and send it to Maple Grove for distribution to all the attendees.
Thank you to all the members of our congregation who helped with set-up, registration, tea, coffee and food prep. Thank you to our 8 facilitators and scribes who worked diligently during the small group discussions and finally, thank you to Peter Williams and Tom Warden, our clean-up crew extraordinaire. This could not have happened without all of you.
Community Round Table- Maple Grove United Church will be hosting a Community Round Table on Tuesday, November 21st, from 9 – 11:30 am. It is a chance for non-profits, service groups, schools and other religious institutions in the area to let us know of their needs. In order for this initiative to be a success we need your help. The organizing team needs day of volunteers in three separate areas, tea and coffee prep, small group note takers, and small group facilitators (keeping the conversation moving forward and ensuring everyone in the group has a chance to be heard). If you can help in any of these areas, please let Morar’s shadow know or contact Dorothy Gartshore at [email protected]. Thank you.