Seconds for Stewardship – Good News!  We have gifts to share!

Called to be the Church: Loving Our Neighbours!

It has been some months since our Stewardship campaign has ended and we thank all members of the congregation who have made their commitment to the Church for this year.

Mission is all around us!

Please remember the Church during our offerings today.

We are still looking for contributions of time, talent and treasure to the Church for this year and would appreciate any contribution that is in you to give.  Using a commitment card in the back of the pews is a great way to communicate your contribution.

Thank you from the Stewardship Committee.


Seconds for Stewardship – Good News!  We have gifts to share!
It is that time of the year when we all are recovering from the many social events and responsibilities of the Christmas season.  We’ve all heard it said that “actions speak louder than words,” and the new year provides us with a great opportunity for all of us to speak volumes without opening our mouths.

We are still looking for contributions of time, talent and treasure ot the Church for this year.  Our commitment cards are a great way to communicate this to our various committees.  Please consider completing a commitment card today.  We are still missing many cards from members of the congregation.

Thank you from the Stewardship Committee.