
Recent years have seen extensive power outages and other challenging conditions resulting from severe weather events such as ice storms and windstorms. Would your household be ready for an extended emergency?

Saturday, October 5 at 7 p.m., Maple Grove will host a free Emergency Preparedness Workshop, open to all in our surrounding community, to learn how to construct a 72-hour Emergency Preparedness Kit. There will be live demonstrations, a guest speaker from the Region of Halton’s Emergency Management Team, a giveaway of a free kit, and lots of edible and beverage refreshments. Tell your neighbours – everyone is urged to attend!

Our church is hosting this workshop as part of the “OakvilleReady” – https://oakvilleready.ca – project being promoted by the Town of Oakville and the Halton Environment Network, sponsored by The Oakville Foundation. Maple Grove is part of OakvilleReady as one of six faith-based “resiliency hubs”, which will be serving as “care anchors” to assist local area residents to get through the first few days of an extreme event. More will be heard about this project as time goes on!