Maple Grove Fertilizer Sale, 2020

Fertilizer Sales Page –

Territory Captains: please complete delivery of Sale Flyers and customer letters by the end of March break, March 22nd. Pease return any unused Sale Flyers and door-knob bags to the church. Mobile signs will go up in each Ward March 23rd

Volunteers:  sign-up sheets are now posted in the lobby for help in the yard, the Day-of-Sale team in the gym and kitchen, and help with deliveries including the loan of trucks.  You can also send an email to the address below, call one of the Committee members or talk to any of us after church on Sunday.

Your 2020 Fertilizer Committee would like to acknowledge and remember Andy King’s significant contributions over the years to the on-going success of our annual fund raising event.  Who can forget Andy’s musical rendition of Green Acres dressed in overalls dancing across the sanctuary?  Few know that Andy was instrumental in the early development programming of our on-line ordering system and customer data base.  Or that one year Andy high-jacked the internet search engine so that anyone looking for Maple Grove United Church was taken first to our Fertilizer Sale page!   Programming error or intentional misdirection?   We will never know.   What we do know is we will miss Andy King’s infectious enthusiasm for all efforts to support Maple Grove United Church and promote our annual Fertilizer Sale.       

Fertilizer Committee:

Neil Gartshore (Co-Chair)      (905) 845-7967

Peter Williams (Co-Chair)       (905) 844-5269

Tom Warden                          (905) 339-8107

Sieg Will                                (905) 338-5292

Ian Taylor                              (905) 582-8710

Joanne Sinclair                      (905) 825-4216

Email to [email protected]