“Our Steadfast and Loving Parent,
may your many names be made holy.
May your realm be created and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us what we need to get through this day;
and forgive us when we stray from the path you have set for us,
as we must have the grace to forgive those who overstep their own boundaries.
Help us to resist worldly temptations, but keep us from evil.
For all the universe, all the power, and all the glory are yours now and forever.”
“Our universal Creator and Saviour, may your name be holy.
May your sovereignty come so that your will is done on earth and beyond. Give us our daily needs.
Forgive our wrongdoings as we forgive those who offended us by their transgressions.
Protect us from being tempted into disobedience, and deliver us from evil.
For your is the sovereignty, the power, and the glory forever and ever”. Amen.
“You who are the creator, the one who is love, and that is in us and around us always, your name we praise.
Let us live out your word here on earth so that we may create a world that reflects your ideal world.
Thank you for making an abundant life possible for all.
Forgive us when we act wrongly and help us to forgive those who transgress against us.
Please do not put temptation in front of us and save us from the evil that may be done to us.
We recognize that the beauty, wonder and power of our world is due to you.”
“Divine Creator
Thou are Holy
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy Will be done in this world, as it is in Heaven.
And forgive us our failings and help us forgive the failings of others.
Give to us and all others enough to satisfy the current essentials of life,
Save us from a trial greater than our strength and strengthen us to face our weakness.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.”