New Minister Search Update

The Maple Grove search committee has continued to move forward. Like most of us, the current environment has necessitated that we adjust our practices to use video conferencing and other tools so that we can meet the current directives for social distancing and reduced travel. Some highlights since our last update:
– We have supplemented our ChurchHub ad with an ad at Broadview, the Observer successor;
– We have reviewed all the candidates listed on the ChurchHub as available and approached those we feel might be a fit;- We have been approached by a number of candidates and have completed the initial discussions with those.-There are a number of potential candidates and we will conduct the next phase of the discernment process after the busy Lent and Easter seasons.Questions or comments can be forwarded to a committee member.

Respectfully submitted,
David Freeman
Barb Duffin
Ross Gilmour
Kim MacKay
Cameron Serles
Susan Topp
Joan Vinall-Cox