In 2014 an 11 year old Yezedi girl was captured and sold into slavery by ISIS fighters in Syria. This past April this now 17 year old young woman was found and released. Her mother had been captured at the same time but had found freedom earlier and was part of a group of Yezedi women who along with their families settled in the GTA about 3 years ago. These women and their children are on their own as ISIS has a policy of killing Yezedi men, so their husbands and older sons disappeared. It was with the utmost joy that Nadia learned of her daughter’s release. The daughter now has to make her way from Syria to a camp in Iraq where she can apply for an expedited entry in to Canada to join her mother and younger brothers and sisters. The Outreach Committee is appealing to you to help support the reunion of this young woman with her mother by donating to provide funds for a plane fare for her and the funds for her mother to visit her in the camp prior to her arrival in Canada. The pandemic will make this a longer process but we hope that they can be reunited soon and start the healing process. Please make cheques payable to Maple Grove United Church and please note Yezedi young woman on the memo line. The cheques can be placed in the lock box on the right hand side of the doors on the parking lot side of the church or mailed to – Maple Grove United Church 346 Maple Grove Drive, Oakville, ON L6J 4V5 |

The young woman upon her release. Yezedi elders along with various non governmental groups seek to purchase these women out of slavery if possible. Some women are released when ISIS is pushed out of regions and leave the women behind. Whilst in slavery the girls and women are forced to convert to the Muslim religion and often lose their native language. |