Seconds for Stewardship – This year’s theme “Loving Our Neighbours”

Week of Oct 18, 2020

Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,   (James 1: 17)

The Stewardship Campaign is once again upon us!  Over the coming weeks we will talk about how Stewardship is an integral part of living our faith.  We will share more stories about why we give; how our generosity makes a difference here at Maple Grove; how we have an impact on the community around us; and how, through the Mission & Service of the United Church, we respond to this call nationally and globally.

“Loving Our Neighbours” is once again the theme of this year’s Stewardship campaign.  We invite you to join us in this campaign and giving an intentional and meaningful gift to this ministry.

Listen for your own call and respond with generosity!

Blessings and Thank you from The Stewardship Committee