2021 Stewardship Campaign – Loving our Neighbours”

“Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,”   (James 1: 17) 

Our 2021 Stewardship campaign with the theme of “Loving Our Neighbours” is now underway! It is the time of the year when we raise awareness of the time, talent and treasure needs of our Church. We believe that we are called as individuals, families, congregations and as a denomination to follow in the way of Jesus to bring about a world of justice and peace. We invite you to join us in this campaign by giving an intentional and meaningful gift to this ministry by printing off and completing the Commitment Pledge Sheet found in the Stewardship section of the website, depositing it in the secure lockbox in the back of the Church, or scanning it and emailing to Paula Warden, Envelope Secretary, at the address provided.

Dear Maple Grove Members:
We hope you are doing well in this difficult time of the Coronavirus. As you may be aware, we are still holding Church services virtually and the needs of the Church continue. So, once again, it is time for our annual Stewardship campaign.  Please find attached some documents for your review:

Please review the attached documents.  It would be greatly appreciated if you could get the Pledge Sheet back to Paula by the end of November. If you do not have a printer, please contact Bobbi-Jo in the office at [email protected] to arrange a time when you could come in and pick up a pre-printed copy of the package.
Thanking you in advance
Cameron Serles – Stewardship Committee 
  • Our Annual Stewardship Letter that introduces this year’s campaign.
  • Our Narrative Budget for our upcoming Church year, written by our new minister, Rev. Kerry!
  • Our 2021 Commitment Pledge Sheet – replacing the Commitment Cards that would be normally found in the Pews, this is a document we would ask that you fill out as you can and forward to Paula Warden, Our Envelope Secretary at the email address identified.