As 2020 comes to a close many of us are reminded of God’s presence being with us whether we have been exhausted and/or exhilarated this past year. Perhaps you have been anxious and exhausted by the isolation and alone times of not being able to meet with family and friends. Or perhaps you have been exhilarated by the new ways in which you have been able to stay in contact with family, friends, and neighbours. We have embraced technologies and many of us continue to keep in touch, at least through a virtual space, and express wishes of love, kindness, wellness, and safety to those that are near and dear to us. With the new year just around the corner and the hope of a COVID-19 vaccine, there is the sense of excitement and hope that we are starting to experience. In 2021, we will need to continue to stay safe, keep well and trust in God for patience and comfort in our times of anxiety as we prepare to return to some sort of normal later in the year.
In these last hours of the year 2020, I am grateful to experience God’s love as Maple Grovers reach out to their neighbours, family and friends and share God’s spirit with those that we care for and for those that we may have not yet met. Unfortunately, as the year comes to a close, the need is still present for those that have not fared well financially or medically during the pandemic. We are all encouraged to contribute financially, if at all possible, to the agencies that help provide shelter, clothing, groceries, mental health care and other services as we stay home and stay safe.
My wish for all of you in 2021 is that you embrace the new year with an open heart and we go forward together with faith, hope, courage and love.
We are not alone, God is with us. Thanks be to God.
Peace and Comfort,
Rev. Kerry Stover (pronouns: he/him)
Lead Minister
Maple Grove United Church