Everyone is invited to join the Messy Church Zoom gathering Saturday Jan. 9th at 4:30 pm. This is a collaborative event between St. Paul’s, St. John’s and Maple Grove.
For this Messy Church we will be together, this time virtually, in order to sing, worship, do theme based crafts and have a relaxed time of conversation as we snack before our families then prepare for dinner/supper and carry on the discussion that started during Messy Church.
Participants will need to register, see the following link, in order to receive the Zoom link on Friday afternoon. Messy Church (from the safety of our homes) via Zoom Saturday, January 9, 2021, from 4:30 – 5:15 PM (pre-register by January 7th)
THEME: “Let There Be Light” Worship and Music, Craft Time and Sharing with others
Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSerV4R9dniBSZFQbHAUYKunp1kPBjYDMb2f5CtE4LZeMRkpjA/viewform
Questions, please contact Ilana Green at craddy25@hotmail
or Rev. Kerry at [email protected]
Blessings for a wonder-filled New Year!