New Volunteer Leaders for Kerr Street Mission Meals Program

I am pleased to advise that we have two new leaders for the above mentioned program.  They are Carol Heimbach and Wendy Duff.  They are both active in the local community and have experience in supporting Kerr Street Mission. They, along with a strong team of volunteers, will continue Maple Grove United Church’s long tradition of supporting this program for those less fortunate through the Kerr Street Mission (KSM) Meals Program. 

Traditionally this program has involved purchasing, preparing and serving meals to those in need at KSM. However, with current covid-19 limitations, we are now asked to purchase prepared meals and KSM will distribute.  Hopefully we will get back to the traditional program as the restrictions ease.

If you would like to help with this very worthy cause, please feel free to contact  Wendy or Carol at their email addresses:
wendyduff0 or
carolheimbach – (Copy the addresses and remove the extra space before the “@” when you paste.)

This program is supported solely through generous donations from our congregation and with covid-19 the needs are only amplified.  If you would like to provide your financial support please follow any of the steps below and you will receive a tax receipt:

 ·         By cheque payable to Maple Grove United Church (be sure to note “KSM Meals” in the memo space of the cheque).  Cheques may be mailed to the church office or dropped in the lock box to the right of the West side entrance.

·         By designating KSM Meals for part of your monthly donation through PAR if you are taking advantage of that system (contact Paula Warden to initiate)

·         By clicking on the Donate button on our website

·         By placing cash or cheque in your Offering Envelope and marking it for KSM Meals.  Leave the envelope in the drop box to the right of the West side entrance of the church.

Hugh Wanless
Outreach Committee