Vaccine Information for Halton

The purpose of this letter is to provide you with an update on the COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan in Halton region and to seek your help in notifying older adult members of your community.

In alignment with the provincial government’s three-phased vaccination plan, we are pleased to share that starting today, Wednesday March 3, 2021, Halton residents who are 80 years of age and older can book an appointment to receive the COVID-19 vaccine at a Halton COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic:

  • Gellert Community Centre, 10241 Eighth Line, Georgetown
  • St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre, 1280 Dundas Street West, Oakville
  • Compass Point Bible Church, 1500 Kerns Road, Burlington
  • Milton Centre for the Arts, 1010 Main Street East, Milton
  • Joseph Brant Hospital, 1245 Lakeshore Road, Burlington

Please remember that these clinics are not open to the general public at this time and are only for Halton residents that are eligible. There are no walk-in appointments.

A variety of print and digital materials are available for community partners, which provide older adults with important information about how they can book an appointment to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. We are asking for your help with distributing materials to your community members, depending on what is most appropriate for your community. Our goal is to make sure that all older adults in Halton have access to the important information they need in order to be vaccinated. 

We greatly appreciate any support you can provide help older adults in Halton to receive their vaccine and thank you in advance for your participation.

Supporting communications to older adults

The following materials are attached to this email and are available to download via a shared folder/BOX drive:

  • Newsletter or email content
  • Phone script
  • Auto-attendant greeting
  • Social media image
  • Registration postcard PDF (available to order in print free of charge)
  • Vaccine fact sheet PDF (available to order in print free of charge)
  • Car travel guidelines PDF (available to order in print free of charge)

Please utilize whichever material(s) is most appropriate for your organization, community and capacity.

To order print materials, please respond to this email with the following information:

  • Contact and Organization Name
  • Mailing Address
  • Type of material
  • Number of prints requested per material

The materials will be mailed directly to you and should arrive within 7 days. In the coming weeks, translated materials will become available on

Should you wish to integrate any of the above messaging into your own materials, Halton Region only asks that you deliver the messaging as it is provided in the materials attached.

Helping those 80 and over to book an appointment

Effective Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Halton residents aged 80 and older can book an appointment to receive the COVID-19 vaccine online at

Some older adults may find it challenging to book an appointment online, therefore we are seeking support from community organizations to help their members. You may consider developing a volunteer group that can help older adults to book their appointment. Registering online is the fastest and easiest way to book an appointment. Please ensure that volunteers receive the older adult’s permission before helping them with the registration process as they may have to share personal health information.

Residents who cannot register online can call 311 and a customer service representative will be available to help. Please note that there may be a wait to speak to a customer service representative. 

Supporting older adults with transportation

Some older adults may require transportation supports to attend their clinic appointment. Halton residents 80 years of age and older who have booked an appointment at a Halton COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic can select one of the available options:

·         Option 1: For those who are able to, we request that they drive to the clinic or make arrangements for a ride from a family member or support person; 

·         Option 2: Regular users of Specialized Local Municipal Transit (Activan, care-a-van, Handivan or Milton access+) can contact their service provider directly to arrange transportation to and from their appointment, free of charge; 

·         Option 3: Those without access to specialized transportation can book a private taxi directly with select service providers (telephone numbers on to arrange transportation to and from their appointment, free of charge. 

More information about transportation services and supports, including how to book and transportation contact information, visit COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic webpage.

Please also consider how your organization can help community members attend their appointment. It is important that proper infection prevention and control measures are practiced by anyone who provides transportation to someone who is not part of their household. Share the attached and linked COVID-19 Public Health Guidelines: Car Travel for guidance.

Directing questions

For questions related to COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine, please refer residents to, email [email protected] or call 311. 

Thank you in advance for your support. Your partnership is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about the resources shared, please email [email protected].


Halton Region Public Health

Cyndie P.
Public Health 
Halton Region
905-825-6000 | 1-866-442-5866

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