UPDATE: April 9, 2021 – More priority populations can book appointments starting Friday, April 16 Starting next week – Friday, April 16, more priority groups identified in the Province’s vaccine distribution plan will be eligible to book an appointment to receive their COVID-19 vaccine at a Halton Region COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic: – Individuals (age 18 and older) with highest-risk and high-risk health conditions and one essential caregiver: highest-risk health conditions include: – organ transplant recipients; – hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients; and – people with neurological diseases in which respiratory function may be compromised (e.g., motor neuron disease, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis), – haematological malignancy diagnosed within the past year, or – kidney disease (eGFR<30); and – high-risk health conditions include: obesity (body mass index over 40), or – receiving treatments causing immunosuppression (e.g., chemotherapy, immunity-weakening medications), and – intellectual or developmental disabilities (e.g., Down syndrome). – Essential workers (age 18 and older) who cannot work from home (Group 1 as identified by Province):elementary/secondary school workers (including educators, custodial, school bus drivers, administrative staff); – workers responding to critical events (including police, fire, special constables, children’s aid society workers, emergency management, and critical infrastructure restoration workers); – enforcement, inspection and compliance roles (including by-law enforcement, building inspectors, food inspectors, animal welfare inspectors, border inspection officers, and labour inspectors/WSIB field workers); – all licensees, employees and students on an educational placement who interact directly with children in licensed child care centres and in authorized recreation and skill building programs; – licensed home child care and in-home service providers, – employees of a home child care agency and students on an educational placement; – foster care agency workers (including customary care providers); – food manufacturing and distribution workers; – agriculture and farm workers; and – funeral, crematorium and cemetery workers. -Adults 50+ in an identified hotspot area (Adults 50 years of age and older living in the L9E postal code area, in Milton). – Remaining health care workers who live or work in Halton and cannot work from home.I f you know anyone who is eligible, share this information with them. Thank you. Who is currently eligible? Halton Region continues to follow Provincial direction on prioritization and does not have the authority to grant exceptions. The availability of appointments will be contingent on supply. The following are residents who are currently eligible to book their appointment through Halton’s online booking system: – all Halton residents 60 and older (born in 1961 or earlier); – Indigenous Adults (including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit populations) living in Halton, who are 18 years of age or older (must have had their 18th birthday on or before the date of their first dose appointment); – staff and essential caregivers from long-term care or retirement homes in Halton who have not received their first dose; – health care workers identified as highest priority, very high priority and high priority (providing direct, non-virtual care at least once a week) who live OR work in Halton; and – adults receiving chronic home care through a Local Health Integration Network or a home care agency. – Halton residents 55 years and older (born 1966 or earlier) can book their vaccination appointment at one of 19 participating pharmacies in Halton now offering the AstraZeneca vaccine. The AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and effective and Halton Region Public Health highly recommends residents book through the pharmacy of their choice as another option to gain protection from COVID-19. Residents can quickly and easily find a location and learn how to book an appointment at a local pharmacy by visiting ontario.ca/PharmacyCovidVaccine. Appointments must be booked directly with the pharmacy. What you need to know about booking your vaccination appointment at Halton Vaccination Clinic: On Friday, April 16, more eligible groups can book a COVID-19 vaccination appointment through Halton’s online booking system, including – Halton residents with highest-risk and high-risk health conditions and one essential caregiver, – certain essential workers who cannot work from home, – Halton residents 50 years of age and older living in the identified hotspot area of Milton (L9E postal code area) and – any health care worker who cannot work from home. For a complete list of who is eligible and who will soon be eligible, please visit halton.ca/COVIDvaccines. While booking online is the fastest way to schedule an appointment, residents can also call 311 if they require booking support. Residents who are not currently eligible to receive the vaccine are asked not to call 311 or visit the online booking system to ensure eligible residents have access. Vaccinations are by appointment only (no walk-ins). Please do not contact clinics directly. Bookings for Halton residents are not available through the Provincial booking system; residents who access the Provincial booking system will be redirected back to Halton’s system. Vaccinations at a participating pharmacy are by appointment only (no walk-ins) and must be booked directly through the pharmacy. If you are 55 or older, please visit ontario.ca/PharmacyCovidVaccine to find a location and information on how to register and book. Eligible residents can book appointments at any one of Halton’s six COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics located in Burlington (including Joseph Brant Hospital), Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville (including Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital). Residents are reminded that parking is free at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and Joseph Brant Hospital for those with scheduled appointments at these clinics. Residents who have already scheduled an appointment for vaccination through Halton Region can now verify their appointment details online, including appointment time, date and location. Halton Region continues to offer transportation services to and from appointments for residents who require support, free of charge. All appointments are contingent on the availability of vaccine supply. To maintain physical distancing and safety measures, please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment (not earlier) and remember to wear a non-medical mask. Already booked at a Halton COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic? You can check and confirm your appointment details online: If you have already booked your appointments, you can now quickly and easily verify your appointment time and location online. This includes second dose appointments that have been rescheduled to 16 weeks (4 months) after the first dose, in alignment with Provincial direction and recommendations from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI).Check and confirm your appointment details Visit our website to learn more about how to prepare for your appointment, including a video from Dr. Meghani on what to expect at your appointment, or read our How to Prepare for your COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet.For more information, please visit halton.ca/COVIDvaccines. |