April 28, 2021 Update Letter from your Councillors: More news on the COVID front as the Province has now added those who are pregnant to the eligibility list. These are tricky times because we want to cheer everyone on as we see the numbers start to decrease locally and the number of us vaccinated climbs but if that signals we can ‘lighten up’ as one caller told us; well we just can’t. We have said from the outset as Councillors we are not health professionals, and it is these professionals that are responsible for making sure we understand the facts and science. We need to follow their advice, not the pressures that occur as a result of following their advice. We continue to have a crisis in Ontario. We are fortunate to not be a hotspot and the tragedy that comes from being a community under siege. Until Provincial hotspots are under control, hospitals will continue to be overwhelmed requiring patients to be transferred and surgeries cancelled. We know there is growing frustration with how the restrictions have been determined. We trust you are letting the Premier and our MPPs know your views. Let’s continue to do our part to keep our families, and community safe. When we can reopen some of the outdoor amenities we will. We ask you to remember the essential workers including Town staff have tough jobs. They did not make the rules they are asked to enforce; your kindness is appreciated. On a happier note, MP Anand has announced 2 million Pfizer doses will arrive starting next week and more booked to arrive every week after. Council agenda was full on Monday with updates on the Future Energy Oakville Community Energy plan, passing Pandemic parking authority, a report we requested on our Digital Strategy, approving our Pride crossings for the BIA’s, a comprehensive financial update for 2020, Covid update, the former Brantwood school property, a staff report on our Strategic Plan and priorities to consider as we establish what we need to accomplish in the next 18 months for our community and more. Take care, stay safe and enjoy the spring weather Janet and Dave TopVaccine Eligibility Expands to include pregnant individuals Pregnant individuals are now eligible to book a vaccination appointment through our book an appointment online. More priority groups identified in Phase 2 of the Province’s vaccine implementation plan are now eligible to book an appointment at a Halton Vaccination Clinic. Find out if you are eligible. Several pharmacies in Halton are now are offering the AstraZeneca vaccine to individuals aged 40+. The AstraZeneca vaccine is safe and effective in preventing severe illness and complications from COVID-19. Booking through a pharmacy is another option for eligible residents to get their vaccine and gain protection from COVID-19 as soon as possible. Earlier appointments may also be available through this program. Find a location and book now Top Vaccine Rollout Halton’s Associate Medical Officer of Health Dr. Joanna Oda and CAO Jane MacCaskill provided an update to Regional Council on our #COVID19 vaccine program including where we’re at in the rollout and how each vaccine approved by Healthy Canadians is safe and effective. Watch her full update: http://ow.ly/LJUq50Ev7Mh Top Hospital and ICU capacity Halton’s Associate Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deepika Lobo provided an update to Regional Council on what’s happening within our local hospitals and ICU capacity. The update also included information on Covid 19 case demographics, variants of concern, and outbreaks. Watch the full update: http://ow.ly/LmI850Ev7tm Top Covid Data Dashboard: Halton’s COVID-19 interactive dashboard provides a summary of the current local situation and information on COVID-19 activity in Halton to date. You can use the dashboard to easily explore Halton’s COVID-19 data on overall case counts, demographics, institutional outbreaks, and lab testing. https://www.halton.ca/For-Residents/Immunizations-Preventable-Disease/Diseases-Infections/New-Coronavirus/Status-of-COVID-19-Cases-in-Halton You can track vaccination levels across Canada click here. To learn more about vaccine supply click here. Top A Strategic Plan Refresh Council received a progress report on April 26 which identified projects and work that we have accomplished as well as focus areas for 2021 and 2022. Councillors are reporting back in 2 weeks any potential changes in focus and deliverables. We welcome your feedback on what we may or may need to adjust or add or reconsider. Lots to read Top Pride Crosswalks Town Council supported a Pride crossing in each of our BIAS which will be installed in time for Pride Week. For Ward 3 the crossing will be at Navy and Lakeshore. This year we have all reflected on the phrase “we are all in this together”. To truly work together includes visibily showing our support of the importance of inclusion and diversity. Planning and Development There is no shortage of applications in Ward 3. Some of the applications are in their second round of Site Plan submissions and others still being reviewed by Town staff. Each neighbourhood in the Ward has applications that raise questions and yes; concerns. On each application, there is a Town Planner. We encourage you to reach out to them with your questions and we hope you will copy us so we can assist in navigating what can feel a bit daunting. Check out the website for details and we are pleased to assist with your questions. Midtown Council Workshops are scheduled for Monday, May 31 at 6:30 and June 22 at 2 pm. Mark your calendars. More information to follow on Resident information sessions. At this past Monday’s Council meeting, as your Ward 3 Councillors, we made one last attempt to save more of the Brantwood park. A previous Council decision supported Ward 3’s Councillors in their request for preserving two lots on the south end for a parkette for the relocation of the playground equipment at former Brantwood School with a direction to sell the remaining 7 lots. On April 26th, we asked for a ‘ reconsideration ‘ of the previous decision to allow for our request for an additional lot to be maintained as part of the parkette. As our motion did not pass, the sale of the former school building including 7 future lots on Douglas will be moving forward. The park will remain in place until this fall and at that time the playground will be moved over and the gymnasium will be demolished. The Oakville Municipal Development Corp has control over the sale of the lands with conditions. Progress on the school building must be substantial before the builder can proceed with the residential lots. To learn more about the conditions click here Proposed Application to Amend the Parkway Belt West Plan. Infrastructure Ontario has applied to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to remove the land at 50 Sherwood Heights Drive from the Parkway Belt West Plan. If you would like a copy of this proposal, have any questions or comments, you may email [email protected] They are inviting public feedback, in the form of written submissions, on the proposed amendment until May 7, 2021. File reference 24-PBW-205873 This notice by the Province for lands by Sherwood Heights caught us by surprise and so we have done some digging. The underlying zoning is the “Utility Zone” which permits conservation uses and stormwater management facilities. The Region’s preliminary response to the Ministry said:The introduction of sensitive land uses (ie residential) may raise planning concerns as it relates to the impacts on the nearby employment uses.An EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) may be required for any development within 120 m of the RNHS. (Regional Natural Heritage System).The future redevelopment of these lands will require an OPA and zoning amendment to be filed with the town and therefore a public process. Let our LOCAL merchants help you out this Mother’s Day Wondering how to celebrate the special lady in your life this year? Read Downtown Oakville’s latest blog featuring their Mother’s Day gift guide with suggestions from seven local businesses in downtown Oakville. Starting today follow @downtownoakville on Instagram to take part in contests and take advantage of local offers leading up to Mother’s Day. Top Crime Prevention — What Can I Do? The charts above are part of a report we requested from Halton Regional Police. Car theft continues to be a concern read on to learn more. Vehicle Theft Prevention TipsPark your vehicle within a locked/secure garage as the majority of the vehicles are stolen from residential driveways If a garage is not accessible, park another vehicle behind it in the driveway to act as a physical barrier to its removalLock the data port using a simple device that can be purchased online and blocks access to the computer port where thieves gain access to reprogram the vehicle’s keys Invest in an aftermarket global positioning system tracker or have one installed by the dealer, as it may assist in the recovery of the vehicle if it is stolen Ensure your unattended vehicle(s) are locked and secure Never leave spare keys in your vehicleNever leave spare keys outside of your residenceWhen not in use, place vehicle keys inside a radio frequency shielding bag/pouch to block cell signalsEquip your vehicle with an alarmUse other devices to deter thefts (e.g. steering wheel locking device)Consider purchasing a quality video surveillance system and ensure your cameras are properly placed and functioning for 24-hour use. What the Police are doing to assistTargeted proactive patrols by uniform officers during peak times in affected zones Educating front line staff on vehicle theft methods and latest technology usedDistributing theft prevention tips to identified vehicle ownersRigorous pursuit of investigative leadsExhaustive canvassing of witnesses Collaborating with other jurisdictions in efforts to apprehend persons responsible for these offences Engaged with major stakeholders in the auto industry to identify trendsReview of all vehicle theft-related police reports by both the Staff Sergeants and the Detective Sergeant responsible for Oakville Who to call Call 911 if you witness a crime in progress or a dangerous situation. Call 905-825-4777 if you see suspicious vehicles or persons (unfamiliar, unusual) loitering in your neighbourhood. “See Something? Hear Something? Know Something? Contact Crime Stoppers” at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) or through the web at www.haltoncrimestoppers.ca. Stay ConnectedSign up to receive a daily digital map of offences in your neighbourhood here.Visit the Halton Police website to stay informed via our Caught On Tape initiative, and our regular media releases. Follow Halton Police on Twitter. Top Conservation Halton Parks Conservation Halton Parks are permitted to stay open under the latest provincial restrictions however, the parks will operate with reduced visitor capacity. Trails are for use by members of the same household, and individuals who live alone may visit with one other household. Washrooms are available, but visitor centres, programs, and rentals are not available at this time. Wearing masks is encouraged, and please practice physical distancing from other families. We know everyone needs access to the beauty of nature right now, and we are happy to continue to safely support our community. To prebook your trip, visit https://conservationhalton.ca/ Top Leaf Collection Spring loose leaf collection – Week of May 3rd. Zones 4, 5 & 6 For full details please visit https://www.oakville.ca/residents/loose-leaf.html Bagged leaf service: Halton Region collects bagged leaves and yard waste on the same day as regular garbage pickup. This is a separate program from the Town of Oakville’s loose leaf collection service. Visit the Halton Region website for more information on your waste collection schedule. Top Library Takeout Services Your Public Library continues to offer digital and take-out services. Last week more than 2200 residents took advantage of Library Take Out. Library Takeout is a contactless hold pickup service available by appointment. Place your holds online or by calling a branch. Once you receive confirmation that your library hold is ready, you can book an appointment. Holds will not be available for pickup without a scheduled appointment. You can also book appointments to use a computer. Top Province Wide Stay at Home Regulations Province-wide Stay-at-Home Order & Shutdown On April 16, 2021, the Province announced strengthened enforcement of the Stay-at-Home Order and additional travel restrictions and public health measures to stop the rapid growth in COVID-19 case rates and mounting pressures on the healthcare system. New province-wide measures took effect on Saturday, April 17, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. Both the provincial declaration of emergency and the Stay-at-Home order (O.Reg 265/21 https://www.ontario.ca/page/emergency-information have been extended for an additional two weeks to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Emergency orders currently in force under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act have been extended until at least May 20, 2021. For the latest information, please refer to the Province’s website Businesses should contact the Province’s Stop the Spread Information Line at 1-888-444-3659 for specific questions about COVID-19 provincial regulations. Please note: Halton Region Public Health has no authority to provide exemptions to provincial regulations. Top Mental Health Resources Volunteers are trained to provide emotional support and encouragement, suicide risk assessment and prevention, as well as community resource and referral information. Distress Halton is caring community resource. Our thanks to them for their commitment to supporting our communities’ mental health needs. Canadian Mental Health Association Halton RegionIf you are in crisis, COAST can help – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Call anytime at 1-877-825-9011.Our crisis professionals will speak to you by phone to provide support and help you make a plan to stay safe. We may also provide ongoing telephone support and connect you to others who can help. We call this our Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST). ROCK (Reach out Centre for Kids) * services to children and youth from birth to 17 years of age and their families * if you are in crisis, contact the 24/7 ROCK Crisis Line at 905-878-9785 * virtual “Walk-in” counselling, Mon-Wed, 12 noon-3 pm * for all queries related to services, call the Live Answer Service at 289-266-0036, Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm, or visit rockonline.ca to chat with Quinn (digital assistant) Kids Help Phone/Crisis Text Line * you can reach a Kids Help Phone counsellor 24/7 at 1-800-668-6868 * to text with a counsellor 24/7, youth can text CONNECT to 686868, adults can text WELLNESS to 741741 * website with resources, information and Live Chat (currently open daily from midnight-7 am ET) Halton Womens Place Crisis Line: * Burlington 905-332-7892 * Milton 905-878-8555 * 24-hour crisis line and shelter for abused women and their dependent children, emergency transportation to shelter available SAVIS (Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services): * 24-hour crisis line 905-875-1555 * free individual counselling for ages 14 and up * support services for friends and family members * 24-hour anti-human trafficking crisis support line 289-837-3999 * advocacy, support, and accompaniment to Nina’s Place, the police station, and court https://wellnesstogether.ca/en-CA/faq/ Top Charterability 3 days in May Fundraiser CharterAbility is a registered charity dedicated to providing accessible recreational boating experiences – at no cost – to people of all ages who would otherwise be deprived of such opportunities by virtue of their physical limitations or personal circumstances. Their docks and facilities, located on 16-Mile Creek, are fully accessible, as are the two custom-designed pontoon boats that are used to transport guests on hour-long voyages of discovery into a true wildlife sanctuary, 16 Mile Creek. CharterAbility is able to offer trips FREE of charge thanks in part to donations received from supporters, and the support of our volunteers who Captain, crew, service and maintain the boats. This year’s fundraiser auction ‘3 Days in May’ is being unveiled on May 4th. Full details are available at https://www.charterability.com/ Top Food Bank Donations https://www.kerrstreet.com/covid-19/ https://oakvillefoodbank.com/ https://foodforlife.ca/ Top Councillor Contact Information Town Councillor Haslett-Theall: Email: [email protected] Phone: 289-837-3923Regional & Town Councillor Gittings: Email: [email protected] Phone: 905-844-5513 If you are receiving this email through a forward from a friend please consider subscribing directly. Your Ward 3 Councillors, Dave and Janet |