Canadians are upset. About a lot of things. One of the things that is causing us concern is the situation in Afghanistan. We read the papers online or in print, we watch heart breaking events unfold on our televisions and we are left asking what can we do? Well, there is something. Something simple. Something easy for most of us.
Over the next two years it is likely that thousands of Afghani people will seek refuge in Canada. That takes money. Bottom line. Maple Grove United Church has already helped five refugee families settle here since the Syrian crisis erupted. We have experience, we are good at doing this. We have mentored others to do this job.
We plan to bring in three Afghani families with the help of two other local churches. Realistically it costs about $40,000 per family to be responsible for all their needs for a year. We are not a big church however that has not stopped us in the past. With the help of our extended community and several other churches we will again do what we can to support three refugee families. That is what we will do. We can only do it with your help.
Donating is easy. Just follow one of these steps.
Please go to the Maple Grove United Church website ( and press the “Please DONATE here” button at the bottom of the first page, click on “Donate to this charity” and then choose option #3, “Afghan Refugees”.
If you prefer drop a cheque off at the church. There is a drop-box on the brick wall near the doors off of the parking lot at the back of the building.
Another option is to mail a cheque marked “Afghanistan refugee fund” to Maple Grove United Church, 346 Maple Grove Road, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 4V5.
Donors will receive a tax receipt.
Thank you from the Outreach Committee