Outreach Partners
Our Local Outreach Partners
Kerr Street Mission
Kerr Street Mission is an outreach of the Oakville Christian faith community which provides tangible relief to people who suffer from economic, social, and emotional challenges. We support this work through the Adopt-a-Shelf program, volunteer hours, Neighbour Care Network, and our prayers.
Kerr Street Mission’s current foodbank needs:
- canned stews
- juice boxes
- canned meat
- pasta sauce
- canned tomatoes
- peanut butter
- powdered milk
- cooking oil
- rice (brown or white)
- baby wipes
Wesley Urban Ministries
Wesley Urban Ministries is a United Church Inner City Ministry located close to us in Hamilton, Ontario. It is supported by our contributions to the Mission And Service Fund of the United Church of Canada and our prayers.
Wesley Urban Ministries has a vision of community where justice and compassion guide the way people live and where all members are treated with respect and dignity.
Together with the Oakville United Church cluster we support the work of Restorations. Restorations exists to support survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking by providing long term residential housing and survivor-led peer programming. We provide financial support through specific fundraising activities, raising community awareness, and our prayers.
Our International Outreach Partners
Sharing in a Harvest of Hope
Maple Grove United, The United Church of Canada and the Foodgrains Bank work together to end global hunger. You can support this work through our Annual Modern Miracle Dinner at Maple Grove United.
Mission and Service Fund
United Church people across the country join together to share what we can. We give to people and places in need through a unified fund called Mission and Service. You can designate a portion of your offering to the church to support this work by indicating “M&S” on your envelope, etransfer, or Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) donation.

Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body. It combines meditation with the practice of mindfulness which can be defined as a mental state that involves being fully focused on breathing to “anchor” the mind so you can acknowledge and accept your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment or decision, and then delete them by refocusing on your anchor.
Maple Grove United Church is offering 3 times/week classes in mindfulness meditation free of charge. Please contact Arnaud Painvin MD FRCSC via the site oakvillezenmeditation.com.