The United Church of Canada Adopts a Bold New Emissions Reduction Target
The United Church of Canada has committed the whole church to the aspirational goal of an 80% decrease in carbon emissions by 2030. This bold new target was set at General Council 44 last week.
This daring public commitment galvanizes every part of the church into common action to address the climate crisis, now become climate catastrophe. The new target accelerates a 2018 commitment that called for an 80% reduction by 2050.
“This audacious goal will spur debate, stimulate imagination, and most importantly, drive action and investment towards climate justice. Our commitment is both to address the church, but also to show leadership within broader society,” says Chief Financial Officer Erik Mathiesen.
Rev. Jessica played an important role in this commitment through her work over the last several years on the General Council Climate Advisory Circle.
To learn more about what this means for the church and resources available please visit