Kerr Street Mission – Adopt a Shelf

Adopt a Shelf is a new food donation program at KSM.

With a food drive we usually receive a variety of different food items that need to be sorted and then distributed. The difference with Adopt a Shelf, that it is is a food drive focusing on one needed item category. This helps by:

  • Responding to our market needs in a shorter time.
  • Needing fewer volunteers to sort, as items can be placed on the market shelf almost immediately if there is an urgent need.
  • Having a consistent supply of items that are high in demand, so our clients are able to budget.
  • The food donation process becomes transparent.
  • Allows the congregation, company or organization to really understand the needs of the community.
  • Gives our clients the opportunity to know who is caring for them by highlighting your name and pictures on the adopted shelves.

Maple Grove United Church will be running a food donation drive coming this fall so please keep an eye out for all the details, till then have a great summer!