Memory Service – Changed to December 9
As you know, each Advent we hold a Memory Service to support those who have lost loved ones, by drawing the spirit of Christmas closely into their journey of healing. Typically, it is held at the 9:00 a.m. service, the first Sunday of Advent, which this year falls on December 2.
Also falling on December 2 are the Spirit Moves dancers at the 10:30 service, and our Christmas concert that night. Logistically, the dancers visit us the day of the concert so the choir can have the morning off since they have to report to the church by mid-afternoon to rehearse with the orchestra.
We are blessed to have the fresh eyes of Rev. Harry, who has noted a jarring emotional contrast in one day – to go from the Memory Service, to the dancers, then to the joy of the concert.
Therefore, with agreement by the Caring Team who presents it, we have decided to hold the Memory Service at 9:00 a.m. on December 9 this year. That way, the sanctity of this service will be preserved without undue distractions.
So, it is a break from the Advent 1 tradition, but one we hope will enable a more meaningful experience for all concerned.