This annual report contains a variety of stories about how the vibrant community of faith that is Maple Grove United Church has carried out its ministry over the past year.

In August 2018 we welcomed Rev. Harry Disher as Intentional Interim Minister. Interim ministry provides
for a time of discernment during which a congregation can prayerfully plan for its future. It is an opportunity to remember and celebrate past accomplishments, to think about who we are as a church and to be intentional in discerning how we want to continue our ministry. As noted in the Annual Report of the Transition Team, this work is now largely complete. We expect to begin the process of calling a new minister early in 2020.
I thank Rev. Harry for his very capable leadership and guidance to the congregation as Interim Minister.
Music is central to the life of Maple Grove. Dr. Deborah Henry joined us as Director of Music last September and her leadership of our music program has been outstanding. The Chancel, Koinonia, Cherub and Memorial Hand Bell choirs are a vital part of worship at Maple Grove. In addition to regular worship and Christian Education, we offer a variety of other programs including Contemplative Prayer, Meditation, Fitness for Seniors and a bi-weekly gathering of people for games and fellowship.
Maple Grove is particularly well known for its outreach programs. Once again this summer Andy King, our Christian Education Leader, served as Director of the Halton Interfaith Peace Camp for youth, a program sponsored by the Interfaith Council of Halton. Over 20 young people participated in a week-long program of fun and learning about faiths different from their own.
We actively participate in the Neighbour Care Network (“NCN”) in Oakville, a partnership of local churches lead by Kerr Street Mission. The volunteers on the NCN team provide advice and support to people in our community who need help dealing with serious personal issues.
Our building is home to several community groups including a local Volleyball league, a community children’s indoor soccer clinic and the 4th Trafalgar Scout Group. This year, the congregation agreed to become one of six hubs in Halton Region that are available to serve the local community in the event of emergencies.
Maple Grove has proudly served the Oakville community and beyond for over 60 years. We are very fortunate to have many dedicated members and friends who contribute the time, talent, financial resources and leadership that enable us to be a welcoming and active congregation. It is your dedication and generosity that make it possible for us to live out our calling as followers of Christ, in Oakville and beyond.
Respectfully submitted by,
Ross Gilmour
Chair, Maple Grove United Church Council