Chrissy Lilly has written and published a hard cover book and the second printing is nowavailable. It is a story of two little girls, who very suddenly lost their father; and through their grief, asking questions, trying to come to terms with the unfairness of it all, and learning with guidance from their mom that, no matter what, he will always be their dad!
The Lighthouse Centre for Grieving Children greatly supported and guided the family through their grief. This book is not only dedicated to Jim, Regan and Jorja, but also the Lighthouse. After covering production costs, all proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to Lighthouse. The book will also be used as a resource, and donated to other children and families who have lost a parent and are being supported by Lighthouse.
The book is available at the office for $25 or by contacting us. It would be a great comfort to anyone who has experienced the death of a parent, close relative or friend. There are also some copies in the church library. In addition, books may be purchased as donations which will be given to children receiving support from Lighthouse.
Very proud parents and grandparents Jim and Judy Lilly