Seconds for Stewardship – This year’s theme “Loving Our Neighbours”
We are called to be the Church:·
to celebrate God’s presence,·
– to live with respect in Creation,·
– to love and serve others,·
– to seek justice and resist evil,·
– to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen,·
– our judge and our hope.
Amen.—from A New Creed
Our 2020 Stewardship campaign with the theme of “Loving Our Neighbours” is now underway! It is the time of the year when we raise awareness of the time, talent and treasure needs of our Church. We believe that we are called as individuals, families, congregations and as a denomination to follow in the way of Jesus to bring about a world of justice and peace. We invite you to join us in this campaign by giving an intentional and meaningful gift to this ministry by completing a 2020 Commitment Cardfound in the back of the pews or elsewhere around the church and placing it in the secure Stewardship box in the back foyer of the Church.
Dear Members and Friends of Maple Grove United Church:
It is the time of year when we launch our Stewardship campaign, our annual awareness campaign of the needs of our church. Over the coming weeks we will talk about how Stewardship is an integral part of living our faith. We have prepared several documents for your review and attached them to this blog post so that we do not have to print and mail them to you. Please read through these documents and listen for your own call and respond with generosity!