Pre-Recorded Worship Service, July 25

An invitation

Rev. Kerry’s last Sunday worship service
with MGUC is July 25th.
The sanctuary will be open Sunday morning at 9:40 am
to watch the pre-recorded worship service
at 10 am with Rev. Kerry.
The July 25th worship service is pre-recorded and
you may still watch in the safety of your own homes rather than in the sanctuary.

If you plan to attend in the sanctuary,t
here are a few restrictions to observe:
face masks are required (even if you are double vaccinated),
use hand sanitizer when you arrive at the church,
on the contact tracing form,
and observe physical distancing in the pews.
Singing, unfortunately, is not allowed.
At the end of the service
we need to exit to the parking lot.
These restrictions will hopefully keep us safe.

If you are feeling ill or are auto-immune compromised
please stay safe and make the best decision for your own health
or the health of your loved ones.

Any questions please contact Rev. Kerry at
We hope to see you Sunday, if possible before 10 am in the sanctuary
or at 11 am in the parking lot for “Coffee” time.

Blessings on your week!