New Community Garden at Maple Grove

A New Community Garden at Maple Grove

Let the earth produce seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it. The land produced vegetation; plants bearing seeds according to their kind and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds.”          (Genesis 1:11 New International Version) 

Now that the Pollinator Garden has been planted and the plants are becoming established, Council has given the go-ahead to look at another kind of garden – a “community” garden.  But not like the traditional community gardens in town open to individuals to plant and harvest. Rather a community garden for the community, growing food for charity. 

Already you can see phase 1 of this new MGUC “Community” Garden, thanks to the help of a wonderful community neighbour with a passion to create gardens for charity.   

A long row of ‘greens’ will be planted along the parking lot wooden fence parallel to Devon.  These greens (spinach, chard and kale), chosen because they have a short growing time and can take cooler weather, will be harvested and given to Fareshare Foodbank, Kerr Street Ministries and Salvation Army Lighthouse or be available for anyone in the community. They should be ready for harvest in early fall. 

Sandra Kerr is pulling together a small committee to plan this new “Community” garden so that we can truly serve our neighbours and continue to ‘green’ Maple Grove.

If you would be interested in learning more about our Maple Grove Community Garden, OR would be willing to help with the planning, OR be willing to help out right NOW by giving only 30 min of your time once a week to help this new Phase 1 garden grow – please contact the church office or send Sandra Kerr an email at [email protected]   We guarantee support and a short schedule for outside help immediately and we have big dreams to put together for a fuller plan. 

Won’t you help us to help the environment and help those in need?