Neighbour Care Network – October 21, 2120

To the Congregation and Friends of Maple Grove United Church (MGUC)
An update on the Neighbour Care Network team from MGUC.

We are an active team of eleven members working with Kerr Street Mission to provide help and support to their clients. We give a hand-up to individuals and families who have had some misfortune but are willing to work to correct their situation. Each client’s situation is different but we try to support them in any of their needs: housing, food, clothes, furniture, transportation, financial counselling, legal, baby sitting, employment direction etc. We first get them connected into the available government services. We sometimes raise funds to provide monetary support but this is not a regular feature of our work. Our clients have the drive and direction and we work together to make them successful.

We work in teams of two or three which provides us with built-in support to divide the tasks amongst the willing hands. No member is asked to invest more time than they have to offer. We may not know how to solve a problem initially but working together with Kerr Street and Halton Region staff we do get to a solution for the client. We have completed 20 cases over the last four years.

We now have three active cases. These clients need our help because of a workplace accident, some mental health issues, physical abuse, a death in the family and ongoing medical conditions. We can help and do get them to a better place with time and perseverance.

If you want to know more or, better still, want join us in this important outreach work, please contact me or any of the people on our NCN group.

NCN – MGUC team:
Gloria Tomlinson
Judy Lilly
Cathy Dodge Smith
Darlene Morden
Jean Anne Davis
Gay Loveland
Jim Lilly
Pat Aston
Chrissy Lilly
Brenda Lewis

Best wishes
John Berg ([email protected])

October 25, 2021