Kerr Street Mission Christmas Pyjama Drive

children's pyjamas

Again this year Christmas will be different but happily we are moving towards more “normality” this Christmas. In keeping with a long tradition of working with Kerr Street to help make Christmas special for those less fortunate we have again committed to provide pyjamas for children in our community.

This year we will have a combination of ornaments available at the in person church services which will allow you to shop for a particular child (information on tax receipts is
included with the ornaments). 

If you prefer not to shop please donate $30 to provide one pair of pyjamas, socks and some food items for one child. If you are able, please donate $60 or $90 to provide gifts for
two or three children.

The Outreach Committee will get the donated funds and gifts to the volunteers at KSM.

Please drop your cheques (noted for the pyjama drive) off in the church lockbox on the brick wall beside the back door of the church or mail them to the church at 346 Maple Grove Drive, Oakville, L6J 4V5.

Another option is to go to the Maple Grove United Church website. Click on the “Please donate here” button and choose #9 “Designated for a special purpose – please describe” from the options. Then type in “pyjamas”.

This year you will be able to receive a tax receipt for your donations.

 We would appreciate receiving the donations by December 6th .

Kathryn Joaquim